GNPTAB gene related symptoms and diseases
All the information presented here about the GNPTAB gene and its related diseases, symptoms, and test panels has been aggregated from the following public sources: HGNC,OMIM,NCBIGENE,ORPHANET, Mendelian Rare Disease Search Engine.
Top 5 symptoms and clinical features associated to GNPTAB gene
Symptoms // Phenotype | % Cases |
Intellectual disability | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Coarse facial features | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Aortic regurgitation | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Opacification of the corneal stroma | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Increased serum beta-hexosaminidase | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Other less frequent symptoms and clinical features
Patients with GNPTAB gene alterations may also develop some of the following symptoms and phenotypes:Commonly - More than 50% cases
- Increased serum iduronate sulfatase activity
- Deficiency of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase
- Osteopenia
- Umbilical hernia
- Short long bone
- Thickened skin
- Respiratory tract infection
- Joint stiffness
And 122 more phenotypes, you can get all of them using our tools for rare diseases.
Rare diseases associated to GNPTAB gene
Here you will find a list of rare diseases related to the GNPTAB. You can also use our tool to get a more accurate diagnosis based on your current symptoms.
Alternate names
MUCOLIPIDOSIS TYPE II Is also known as i-cell disease, ml ii, mucolipidosis ii, n-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphotransferase deficiency, mucolipidosis type ii alpha/beta, ml ii alpha/beta, icd
Mucolipidosis II (MLII) is a slowly progressive lysosomal disorder characterized by growth retardation, skeletal abnormalities, facial dysmorphism, stiff skin, developmental delay and cardiomegaly.
Most common symptoms of MUCOLIPIDOSIS TYPE II
- Intellectual disability
- Seizures
- Global developmental delay
- Short stature
- Generalized hypotonia
Alternate names
MUCOLIPIDOSIS TYPE III ALPHA/BETA Is also known as ml iii, mucolipidosis type 3 alpha/beta, pseudo-hurler polydystrophy, mucolipidosis iiia, ml iii alpha/beta, ml iiia, ml 3 alpha/beta, mucolipidosis iii
Mucolipidosis III alpha/beta (MLIII alpha/beta) is a lysosomal disorder characterized by progressive slowing of the growth rate from early childhood, stiffness and pain in joints, gradual coarsening of facial features, moderate developmental delay and mild intellectual disability in most patients.
- Intellectual disability
- Global developmental delay
- Short stature
- Scoliosis
- Pain
Search interest in GNPTAB
Potential gene panels for GNPTAB gene
MitoMet®Plus aCGH Analysis Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories MitoMet®Plus aCGH Analysis that also includes the following genes: RGS9 RHO GRK1 RLBP1 RNASEL BCS1L RP1 RP2 RP9 RPE65
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GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Female) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Female) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Male) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Male) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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Non-immune Hydrops Panel Panel

By Greenwood Genetic Center Diagnostic Laboratories Greenwood Genetic Center Non-immune Hydrops Panel that also includes the following genes: RIT1 RPL11 RPL35A RPL5 RPS10 RPS17 RPS19 RPS24 RPS26 SEC23B
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Lysosomal Storage Disease Panel Panel

By Greenwood Genetic Center Diagnostic Laboratories Greenwood Genetic Center Lysosomal Storage Disease Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 TCF4 MCOLN1 NPC2 ADAMTSL2 DNAJC5 SUMF1 TPP1
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Mucolipidosis II & III Alpha/Beta Panel

By Greenwood Genetic Center Diagnostic Laboratories Greenwood Genetic Center
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Lysosomal Storage Disease Panel Panel

By Molecular Genetics Laboratory Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinologicas "Dr. Cesar Bergada" Lysosomal Storage Disease Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 MCOLN1 NPC2 DNAJC5 SUMF1 TPP1 CLN3 CLN5
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Mucolipidosis II/III Panel

By Clinic of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine General University Hospital in Prague and First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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GNPTAB. Complete sequencing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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GNPTAB. Detection of the mutation 3503_3504delTC by sequencing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Mucolipidosis III (sequence analysis of GNPTAB gene) Panel

By CGC Genetics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Lysosomal and peroxisomal diseases (NGS panel of 109 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Lysosomal and peroxisomal diseases (NGS panel of 109 genes) that also includes the following genes: SC5D SCP2 SGSH SHOX SLC17A5 SMPD1 TCIRG1 ACOX1 ACP2 MCOLN1
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Lysosomal and peroxisomal diseases (NGS panel of 109 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Lysosomal and peroxisomal diseases (NGS panel of 109 genes) that also includes the following genes: SC5D SCP2 SGSH SHOX SLC17A5 SMPD1 TCIRG1 ACOX1 ACP2 MCOLN1
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Mucolipidosis and Stuttering via GNPTAB Gene Sequencing with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Stuttering Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Stuttering Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: NAGPA GNPTG GNPTAB
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Fetal Concerns Sequencing Panel Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Fetal Concerns Sequencing Panel Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: RIT1 SCN5A SLC17A5 BRAF SOS1 CBL SHOC2 KAT6B CHRNA1 CHRND
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Mucopolysaccharidosis Deletion / Duplication panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Mucopolysaccharidosis Deletion / Duplication panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH MCOLN1 GNPTG HGSNAT GNPTAB GALNS GLB1 GNS GUSB HYAL1
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Mucopolysaccharidosis Comprehensive panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Mucopolysaccharidosis Comprehensive panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH MCOLN1 GNPTG HGSNAT GNPTAB GALNS GLB1 GNS GUSB HYAL1
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Mucopolysaccharidosis NGS panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Mucopolysaccharidosis NGS panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH MCOLN1 GNPTG HGSNAT GNPTAB GALNS GLB1 GNS GUSB HYAL1
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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - different panels Panel

By Institute of Human Genetics Uniklinik RWTH Aachen Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - different panels that also includes the following genes: RIT1 MRPL3 RRAS SLC22A5 BRAF SOS1 SOS2 SURF1 TNNI3 TNNT2
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Mental Retardation and Dysmorphology - panels Panel

By MGZ Medical Genetics Center Mental Retardation and Dysmorphology - panels that also includes the following genes: RIT1 ROR2 RPL10 RPS6KA3 RRAS SALL1 SF3B4 SGSH ST3GAL3 SLC16A2
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Syndromal Diseases - panels Panel

By MGZ Medical Genetics Center Syndromal Diseases - panels that also includes the following genes: RIT1 ROR2 RPL10 RPS6KA3 RRAS SALL1 SF3B4 SGSH ST3GAL3 SLC16A2
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Stuttering Sequential Panel Panel

By FirmaLab Stuttering Sequential Panel that also includes the following genes: NAGPA GNPTG GNPTAB
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CentoICU platinum plus Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company CentoICU platinum plus that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L BDNF RPS19 RPS6KA3 SALL1 SCN1A SCN2A SFTPB SFTPC
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New Born testing (CentoICU) Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company New Born testing (CentoICU) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L BDNF RPS19 RPS6KA3 SALL1 SCN1A SCN2A SFTPB SFTPC
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Mucolipidosis II Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Mucolipidosis III Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Lysosomal Disorders Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Lysosomal Disorders Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 MCOLN1 NPC2 SUMF1 GNPTG HGSNAT GNPTAB AGA
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Lysosomal Disorders Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Lysosomal Disorders Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 MCOLN1 NPC2 SUMF1 GNPTG HGSNAT GNPTAB AGA
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Single gene testing GNPTAB Panel

By CeGaT GmbH
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Lysosomal Storage Disease Panel

By Asper Biogene Asper Biogene LLC Lysosomal Storage Disease that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 MCOLN1 NPC2 DNAJC5 SUMF1 TPP1 CLN3 CLN5
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Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases and Sudden Death Panel Panel

By Health in Code Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases and Sudden Death Panel that also includes the following genes: MRPL3 RYR2 SCN10A SCN1B SCN2B SCN4B SCN5A BMPR1B BMPR2 SGCA
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Ventricular Arrythmia & Sudden Death Panel with Structural Heart Disease Panel

By Health in Code Ventricular Arrythmia & Sudden Death Panel with Structural Heart Disease that also includes the following genes: MRPL3 RYR2 SCN10A SCN1B SCN2B SCN4B SCN5A SLC22A5 BRAF SLC25A4
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Cardiomyopathies Panel Panel

By Health in Code Cardiomyopathies Panel that also includes the following genes: MRPL3 RYR2 SCN5A SGCA SGCB SGCD SLC22A5 BRAF SLC25A4 SOS1
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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Extended Panel Panel

By Health in Code Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Extended Panel that also includes the following genes: MRPL3 RYR2 SLC22A5 BRAF SLC25A4 SOS1 SURF1 TAZ TCAP KLF10
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Cardiovascular Diseases_General Panel Panel

By Health in Code Cardiovascular Diseases_General Panel that also includes the following genes: RIT1 MRPL3 RRAS RYR1 RYR2 SAR1B BLK SCN10A SCN1B SCN2B
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Arrhythmia General Panel Panel

By Health in Code Arrhythmia General Panel that also includes the following genes: RIT1 MRPL3 RRAS RYR2 SCN10A SCN1B SCN2B SCN4B SCN5A SCO2
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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy extended panel Panel

By Health in Code Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy extended panel that also includes the following genes: MRPL3 RYR2 SCO2 SLC22A5 BRAF SLC25A3 SLC25A4 SOS1 SURF1 TAZ
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Cardiomyopathies General Panel Panel

By Health in Code Cardiomyopathies General Panel that also includes the following genes: RIT1 MRPL3 RRAS RYR2 SCN5A SCO2 SDHA SGCA SGCB SGCD
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qCarrier Plus Panel

By Quantitative Genomic Medicine Laboratories, SL qCarrier Plus that also includes the following genes: RMRP RP2 RPE65 RPGR RPS6KA3 RS1 SACS SGCA SGCB SGSH
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Invitae Mucolipidosis Panel Panel

By Invitae Invitae Mucolipidosis Panel that also includes the following genes: MCOLN1 GNPTG GNPTAB NEU1
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Invitae Comprehensive Lysosomal Storage Disorders Panel Panel

By Invitae Invitae Comprehensive Lysosomal Storage Disorders Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 MCOLN1 NPC2 DNAJC5 SUMF1 TPP1 CLN3 CLN5
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Mucolipidosis II: GNPTAB mutation analysis (c.3505_3504delTC) Panel

By GENETAQ Molecular Genetics Centre and Diagnosis of Rare Diseases
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Mucolipidosis Type II: GNPTAB Full Gene Sequencing Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Mucolipidosis Type II: GNPTAB Gene Deletion/Duplication Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Mucolipidosis Type IIIA: GNPTAB Full Gene Sequencing Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Mucolipidosis Type IIIA: GNPTAB Gene Deletion/Duplication Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Lysosomal Storage Disorders: Sequencing Panel Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Lysosomal Storage Disorders: Sequencing Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 ADAMTS10 MCOLN1 NPC2 DNAJC5 SUMF1 TPP1 CLN3
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Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Sequencing Panel Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Sequencing Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SLC22A5 SLC25A13 SLC25A15 SLC7A7 SMPD1 SUCLG1 TAZ LPIN1
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Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Gene Sequencing Panel Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Gene Sequencing Panel that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L RS1 SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6
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Inheritest NGS, Comprehensive Panel

By Integrated Genetics Westborough Integrated Genetics Inheritest NGS, Comprehensive that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5 SLC22A5 SLC26A2 SLC35A3
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Mucolipidosis II and III, GNPTAB-related Panel

By Integrated Genetics Westborough Integrated Genetics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Epilepsy NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Epilepsy NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L SCN10A SCN1A SCN1B SCN2A SCN2B SCN3A SCN4A SCN4B SCN5A
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Lysosomal Disorders NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Lysosomal Disorders NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SLC25A15 SMPD1 BTD SUOX TCF4 MCOLN1 NPC2 ADAMTSL2
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Intellectual Disability NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Intellectual Disability NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L RPS6KA3 SACS BIN1 SCN1A SCN8A SDCCAG8 SGCA SGSH ST3GAL3
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Stuttering NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Stuttering NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: NAGPA GNPTG GNPTAB
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By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Comprehensive Epilepsy NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Comprehensive Epilepsy NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L RYR3 SCN10A SCN1A SCN1B SCN2A SCN2B SCN3A SCN4A SCN4B
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Lysosomal Disorders and Mucopolysaccharidosis Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Lysosomal Disorders and Mucopolysaccharidosis Panel that also includes the following genes: SGSH SLC17A5 SLC25A15 SMPD1 BTD SUOX TCF4 MYOT MCOLN1 NPC2
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Comprehensive Metabolism Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Comprehensive Metabolism Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L CNNM2 RYR1 CNNM4 SCN4A SEC23B SGSH SI SLC40A1 SLC12A3
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Mucolipidosis type 3 Panel

By Bioarray
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL MUCOLIPIDOSIS TYPE III ALPHA/BETA that also includes the following genes: GNPTG GNPTAB
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE 6 ( MAROTEAUX - LAMY SYNDROME) that also includes the following genes: GNPTAB ARSB
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS – NGS PANEL that also includes the following genes: SGSH GNPTG HGSNAT GNPTAB GALNS GLB1 GNS GUSB HYAL1 IDS
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Mucolipidosis Type II, Sequencing GNPTAB Gene Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics
This panel specifically test the GNPTAB gene.
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Peroxisomal and Lysosomal Diseases , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 78 Genes Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics Peroxisomal and Lysosomal Diseases , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 78 Genes that also includes the following genes: SCP2 SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 ACOX1 MCOLN1 AGXT2 NPC2 CAT DNAJC5
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Storage and Energetic Metabolism Diseases , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 82 genes Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics Storage and Energetic Metabolism Diseases , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 82 genes that also includes the following genes: SCP2 SGSH SLC17A5 SMPD1 ACOX1 MCOLN1 NPC2 DNAJC5 SUMF1 TPP1
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planTrue Extended Panel

By True Health Diagnostics planTrue Extended that also includes the following genes: RMRP RS1 BLM SLC17A5 SLC22A5 SLC26A2 SMN1 SMPD1 BTD TNNT1
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Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Full Gene Sequencing and SMA Analysis Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Full Gene Sequencing and SMA Analysis that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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