HBA1 gene related symptoms and diseases
All the information presented here about the HBA1 gene and its related diseases, symptoms, and test panels has been aggregated from the following public sources: OMIM,HGNC,NCBIGENE,ORPHANET, Mendelian Rare Disease Search Engine.
Top 5 symptoms and clinical features associated to HBA1 gene
Symptoms // Phenotype | % Cases |
Anemia | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Hepatomegaly | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Splenomegaly | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Reduced alpha/beta synthesis ratio | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Fatigue | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Other less frequent symptoms and clinical features
Patients with HBA1 gene alterations may also develop some of the following symptoms and phenotypes:Not very common - Between 30% and 50% cases
- Jaundice
- Hemolytic anemia
Rarely - Less than 30% cases
- Neoplasm
- Hemoglobin H
- Microcytic anemia
- Angina pectoris
- Hydrops fetalis
- Polycythemia
And 133 more phenotypes, you can get all of them using our tools for rare diseases.
Rare diseases associated to HBA1 gene
Here you will find a list of rare diseases related to the HBA1. You can also use our tool to get a more accurate diagnosis based on your current symptoms.
Alternate names
POLYCYTHEMIA VERA Is also known as polycythemia rubra vera, acquired primary erythrocytosis, prv, vaquez disease, osler-vaquez disease, pv
Polycythemia vera (PV) is an acquired myeloproliferative disorder characterized by an elevated absolute red blood cell mass caused by uncontrolled red blood cell production, frequently associated with uncontrolled white blood cell and platelet production.
Most common symptoms of POLYCYTHEMIA VERA
- Neoplasm
- Visual impairment
- Hypertension
- Hepatomegaly
- Fatigue
Alternate names
ALPHA-THALASSEMIA-INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY SYNDROME LINKED TO CHROMOSOME 16 Is also known as hbhr, atr syndrome, deletion type, alpha thalassemia-mental retardation syndrome, mental retardation with hemoglobin h, alpha thalassemia-intellectual disability syndrome, deletion type, alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome, deletion-type, atr, deletio
Alpha-thalassemia-intellectual deficit syndrome linked to chromosome 16 (ATR-16), a contiguous gene deletion syndrome, is a form of alpha-thalassemia (see this term) characterized by microcytosis, hypochromia, normal hemoglobin (Hb) level or mild anemia, associated with developmental abnormalities.
- Intellectual disability
- Seizures
- Global developmental delay
- Short stature
- Microcephaly
Alternate names
HEMOGLOBIN H DISEASE Is also known as hbh disease, alpha-thalassemia intermedia
Hemoglobin H (HbH) disease is a moderate to severe form of alpha-thalassemia (see this term) characterized by pronounced microcytic hypochromic hemolytic anemia.
Alternate names
HEMOGLOBIN H DISEASE; HBH Is also known as alpha-thalassemia, hemoglobin h type, hemoglobin h disease, deletional
Hemoglobin H disease is a subtype of alpha-thalassemia (see {604131}) in which patients have compound heterozygosity for alpha(+)-thalassemia, caused by deletion of one alpha-globin gene, and for alpha(0)-thalassemia, caused by deletion in cis of 2 alpha-globin genes (summary by Lal et al., 2011). When 3 alpha-globin genes become inactive because of deletions with or without concomitant nondeletional mutations, the affected individual has only 1 functional alpha-globin gene. These people usually have moderate anemia and marked microcytosis and hypochromia. In affected adults, there is an excess of beta-globin chains within erythrocytes that will form beta-4 tetramers, also known as hemoglobin H (summary by Chui et al., 2003).Hb H disease is usually caused by the combination of alpha(0)-thalassemia with deletional alpha(+)-thalassemia, a combination referred to as 'deletional' Hb H disease. In a smaller proportion of patients, Hb H disease is caused by an alpha(0)-thalassemia plus an alpha(+)-thalassemia point mutation or small insertion/deletion. Such a situation is labeled 'nondeletional' Hb H disease. Patients with nondeletional Hb H disease are usually more anemic, more symptomatic, more prone to have significant hepatosplenomegaly, and more likely to require transfusions (summary by Lal et al., 2011).While most thalassemia-related hydrops fetalis is caused by the lack of all alpha-globin genes, there are reports of fetuses with Hb H disease that developed the hydrops fetalis syndrome; see {236750}.
Most common symptoms of HEMOGLOBIN H DISEASE; HBH
- Cognitive impairment
- Anemia
- Hepatomegaly
- Edema
- Splenomegaly
Most common symptoms of ALPHA-THALASSEMIA
- Anemia
- Hepatomegaly
- Fatigue
- Splenomegaly
- Jaundice
This is a form of nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia of Dacie type I (in vitro autohemolysis is not corrected by added glucose). After splenectomy, which has little benefit, basophilic inclusions called Heinz bodies are demonstrable in the erythrocytes. Before splenectomy, diffuse or punctate basophilia may be evident. Most of these cases are probably instances of hemoglobinopathy. The hemoglobin demonstrates heat lability.Heinz bodies are observed also with the Ivemark syndrome (asplenia with cardiovascular anomalies; {208530}).
Most common symptoms of HEINZ BODY ANEMIA
- Anemia
- Fever
- Abnormality of metabolism/homeostasis
- Jaundice
- Hemolytic anemia
More info about HEINZ BODY ANEMIA
Alternate names
HEMOGLOBIN M DISEASE Is also known as m hemoglobinopathy
Methemoglobinemia is a clinical condition in which more than 1% of hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin, a type of hemoglobin that contains the ferric (Fe3+) form of iron. Patients with hemolobin M are cyanotic but otherwise asymptomatic. If the mutation occurs in the hemoglobin alpha subunit (OMIM ), cyanosis is apparent at birth, whereas if the beta chain is affected, cyanosis appears later or intensifies when beta subunit production increases. If a newborn carries a fetal M hemoglobin (gamma subunit; {142250}), cyanosis disappears when the complete gamma-beta-switch occurs (summary by Mansouri and Lurie, 1993).
Most common symptoms of HEMOGLOBIN M DISEASE
- Cyanosis
- Methemoglobinemia
Methemoglobinemia is a clinical condition in which more than 1% of hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin, a type of hemoglobin that contains the ferric (Fe3+) form of iron. Patients with hemoglobin M are cyanotic but otherwise asymptomatic. If the mutation occurs in the hemoglobin alpha subunit, cyanosis is apparent at birth, whereas if the beta chain (OMIM ) is affected, cyanosis appears later or intensifies when beta subunit production increases. If a newborn carries a fetal M hemoglobin (gamma subunit; {142250}), cyanosis disappears when the complete gamma-beta-switch occurs (summary by Mansouri and Lurie, 1993).
- Cyanosis
- Methemoglobinemia
Alternate names
ERYTHROCYTOSIS, FAMILIAL, 7; ECYT7 Is also known as polycythemia, alpha-globin type, erythrocytosis, alpha-globin type
Familial erythrocytosis-7 is characterized by an increased oxygen affinity of hemoglobin (Hb), which results in decreased delivery of oxygen into the peripheral tissues and compensatory polycythemia. Patients are generally asymptomatic, as compensatory polycythemia assures normal oxygen tissue delivery. Patients have normal red cell morphology (summary by Kralovics and Prchal, 2000). Wajcman and Galacteros (2005) noted that although high oxygen affinity hemoglobins are usually well tolerated in young patients, they can lead to thrombotic complications in older patients or when they are associated with another cause that increases thrombotic risk. Wajcman and Galacteros (2005) also noted that the effect of increased oxygen affinity of Hb caused by an alpha chain variant is usually milder than that caused by a beta chain variant (see {617980}).
Most common symptoms of ERYTHROCYTOSIS, FAMILIAL, 7; ECYT7
- Polycythemia
- Angina pectoris
Alternate names
HB BART'S HYDROPS FETALIS Is also known as alpha-thalassemia major, alpha-thalassemia hydrops fetalis, homozygous alpha0-thalassemia, hemoglobin bart's hydrops fetalis
Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis is the most severe form of alpha-thalassemia (see this term) and is almost always lethal. It is characterized by fetal onset of generalized edema, pleural and pericardial effusions, and severe hypochromic anemia.
Most common symptoms of HB BART'S HYDROPS FETALIS
- Anemia
- Hepatomegaly
- Hydrocephalus
- Congestive heart failure
- Splenomegaly
Search interest in HBA1
Potential gene panels for HBA1 gene
GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Female) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Female) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Male) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Male) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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GeneAware Basic Panel Version 2 (Female) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Basic Panel Version 2 (Female) that also includes the following genes: SMN1 CFTR DMD FMR1 HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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GeneAware Basic Panel Version 2 (Male) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Basic Panel Version 2 (Male) that also includes the following genes: SMN1 CFTR HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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GeneAware ACMG/ACOG Panel Version 2 (Male) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware ACMG/ACOG Panel Version 2 (Male) that also includes the following genes: BLM SMN1 SMPD1 MCOLN1 CFTR FANCC GBA HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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GeneAware ACMG/ACOG Panel Version 2 (Female) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware ACMG/ACOG Panel Version 2 (Female) that also includes the following genes: BLM SMN1 SMPD1 MCOLN1 CFTR DMD FANCC FMR1 GBA HBA1
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Alpha Globin Gene Sequencing Panel

By UCSF Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory University of California, San Francisco Alpha Globin Gene Sequencing that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia Panel

By UCSF Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory University of California, San Francisco Alpha Thalassemia that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia deletions Panel

By Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory Detroit Medical Center University Laboratories Alpha Thalassemia deletions that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Thalassemia, DNA Analysis Panel

By Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory University of Alberta Alpha-Thalassemia, DNA Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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HBA1/HBA2 and HBB Mutation Analysis Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center HBA1/HBA2 and HBB Mutation Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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Erythrocytosis Panel by next-generation sequencing (NGS) Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Erythrocytosis Panel by next-generation sequencing (NGS) that also includes the following genes: BPGM EGLN1 VHL EPAS1 EPOR HBA1 HBA2 HBB JAK2
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Hypospadias Sequencing Panel Panel

By Genetic Services Laboratory University of Chicago Hypospadias Sequencing Panel that also includes the following genes: SALL1 BMP4 SOX2 SRD5A2 HNF1B MED12 WNT7A WT1 FBXL4 ZEB2
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Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Deletion/Duplication Panel

By ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Deletion/Duplication that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia (HBA1 and HBA2) 7 Deletions Panel

By ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Alpha Thalassemia (HBA1 and HBA2) 7 Deletions that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Sequencing Panel

By ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Sequencing that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Hemoglobin Evaluation Reflexive Cascade Panel

By ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Hemoglobin Evaluation Reflexive Cascade that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Sequencing and Deletion/Duplication Panel

By ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Sequencing and Deletion/Duplication that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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HBA. MLPA testing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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HBA1, HBA2. MLPA testing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica HBA1, HBA2. MLPA testing that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha thalassemia Panel

By Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory University of Toledo Medical Center Alpha thalassemia that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia - HBA Deletion/Duplication Analysis Panel

By Division of Genomic Diagnostics The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Alpha Thalassemia - HBA Deletion/Duplication Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia - HBA Sequence Analysis Panel

By Division of Genomic Diagnostics The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Alpha Thalassemia - HBA Sequence Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia - HBA Known Point Mutation Analysis Panel

By Division of Genomic Diagnostics The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Alpha Thalassemia - HBA Known Point Mutation Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-thalassemia (deletion/duplication analysis of HBA1 and HBA2 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Alpha-thalassemia (deletion/duplication analysis of HBA1 and HBA2 genes) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-thalassemia (sequence analysis of HBA1 and HBA2 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Alpha-thalassemia (sequence analysis of HBA1 and HBA2 genes) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Hemoglobinopathies (sequence analysis of HBA1, HBA2 and HBB genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Hemoglobinopathies (sequence analysis of HBA1, HBA2 and HBB genes) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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alpha thalassemai Panel

By Institute of Medical Genetics and Genomics Sir Ganga Ram Hospital alpha thalassemai that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Hypospadias Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Hypospadias Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: SALL1 BMP4 BMP7 SOX2 SRD5A2 HNF1B MED12 WNT7A WT1 FBXL4
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Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) and Infertility Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) and Infertility Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: ROR2 SALL1 BMP15 BMP4 SEMA3A SEMA3E BMP7 FOXL2 BRDT SOS1
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Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: ROR2 SALL1 BMP15 BMP4 SEMA3A BMP7 FOXL2 SOS1 SOX10 SOX2
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Alpha Thalassemia Deletion/Duplication and Constant Spring Panel Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Alpha Thalassemia Deletion/Duplication and Constant Spring Panel that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Alpha Thalassemia Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha thalassemia HBA1-HBA2 Panel

By MGZ Medical Genetics Center Alpha thalassemia HBA1-HBA2 that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia Panel

By Synlab MVZ Humane Genetik München Synlab MVZ Humane Genetik München Alpha Thalassemia that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia Panel

By GeneTech ATS GeneTech Private Limited
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Thalassemia, alpha Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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alpha Thalassemia Panel

By bio.logis Center for Human Genetics Diagnosticum alpha Thalassemia that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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Erythrocytes, Anemia Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Erythrocytes, Anemia Panel that also includes the following genes: RPL11 RPL35A RPL5 RPS10 RPS17 RPS19 RPS24 RPS26 RPS7 SEC23B
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Alpha-Thalassemia (HBA1/HBA2) Panel

By MVZ Dortmund Dr. Eberhard & Partner Alpha-Thalassemia (HBA1/HBA2) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Thalassemia Panel

By Asper Biogene Asper Biogene LLC Alpha-Thalassemia that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha globin gene sequencing Panel

By Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland Alpha globin gene sequencing that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (Sebia) Panel

By Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (Sebia) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB HBD
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Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis Panel

By Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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Multiplex Gap PCR for alpha thalassemia deletions Panel

By Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland Multiplex Gap PCR for alpha thalassemia deletions that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification) for ?-Globin cluster Panel

By Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification) for ?-Globin cluster that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBE1 HBZ
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Alpha Globin gene Triplication Panel

By Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland Alpha Globin gene Triplication that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Thalassemia (HBA) Panel

By Center for Human Genetics Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc Alpha-Thalassemia (HBA) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Thalassemia Panel

By Praxis fuer Humangenetik Wien
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alpha-thalassaemia gene mapping Panel

By Molecular Diagnosis Centre National University Hospital Alpha-thalassaemia gene mapping that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Family Prep Screen Panel

By Counsyl Family Prep Screen that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L RS1 SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SLC12A6 SLC17A5 SLC22A5
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qCarrier Plus Panel

By Quantitative Genomic Medicine Laboratories, SL qCarrier Plus that also includes the following genes: RMRP RP2 RPE65 RPGR RPS6KA3 RS1 SACS SGCA SGCB SGSH
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Alpha-Thalassemia Panel

By MedGene
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alfa Thalassemia: Deletion analysis (a3.7, a4.2, a20.5, aSEA, aFIL and aMED) Panel

By GENETAQ Molecular Genetics Centre and Diagnosis of Rare Diseases Alfa Thalassemia: Deletion analysis (a3.7, a4.2, a20.5, aSEA, aFIL and aMED) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alfa Thalassemia: HBA1 gene sequence analysis Panel

By GENETAQ Molecular Genetics Centre and Diagnosis of Rare Diseases
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alpha-Thalassemia: HBA1 and HBA2 Deletion Analysis Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Alpha-Thalassemia: HBA1 and HBA2 Deletion Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Gene Sequencing Panel Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Gene Sequencing Panel that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L RS1 SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6
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HBA1 Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis Panel

By Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis (NY) Panel

By Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis (NY) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication (NY) Panel

By Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication (NY) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing Panel

By Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication Panel

By Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing (NY) Panel

By Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing (NY) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Comprehensive Hematology Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Comprehensive Hematology Panel that also includes the following genes: RHAG RIT1 RPL11 RPL15 RPL35A RPL5 RPS10 RPS19 RPS24 RPS26
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Anemia Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Anemia Panel that also includes the following genes: RHAG RPL11 RPL15 RPL35A RPL5 RPS10 RPS19 RPS24 RPS26 RPS29
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Alpha-Thalassemia Deletions Panel

By Genomic Research Center Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alpha-thalassemia Panel

By Bioarray
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alpha thalassemia - intellectual deficit syndrome linked to chromosome 16 Panel

By Bioarray
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Baby Genes Targeted Panel Panel

By Baby Genes Inc. Baby Genes Inc. Baby Genes Targeted Panel that also includes the following genes: BLM SLC22A5 SLC25A13 SLC5A5 SMPD1 BTD TAT TAZ TCN2 TG
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Next Generation Sequencing for Jaundice Associated Genes Variation Test Panel

By National Taiwan University Hospital A1 Center National Taiwan University Hospital Next Generation Sequencing for Jaundice Associated Genes Variation Test that also includes the following genes: BCS1L SCO1 SLC10A1 SLC40A1 SLCO1A2 SLCO1B1 SLCO1B3 SLCO2B1 SLC25A13 SUCLG1
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Alpha-Thalassemia Deletions Panel

By Center for Comprehensive Genetic Services Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL ALPHA-THALASSEMIA that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Alpha Thalassemia, Sequencing HBA1 Gene Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics
This panel specifically test the HBA1 gene.
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Alpha Thalassemia Panel

By Labor Dr. Wisplinghoff Alpha Thalassemia that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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planTrue Extended Panel

By True Health Diagnostics planTrue Extended that also includes the following genes: RMRP RS1 BLM SLC17A5 SLC22A5 SLC26A2 SMN1 SMPD1 BTD TNNT1
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planTrue ACOG & ACMG Screen Panel

By True Health Diagnostics planTrue ACOG & ACMG Screen that also includes the following genes: BLM SMN1 SMPD1 MCOLN1 CFTR FANCC GBA HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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planTrue Standard Panel

By True Health Diagnostics planTrue Standard that also includes the following genes: BLM SMN1 SMPD1 CLRN1 MCOLN1 PCDH15 CFTR TMEM216 DLD FANCC
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Sickle cell disease & Thalassemia: gene sequencing panel (RAPID testing) Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Sickle cell disease & Thalassemia: gene sequencing panel (RAPID testing) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2 HBB
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CEN4GEN rapid supplemental newborn genetic screen: Full gene sequencing panel Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics CEN4GEN rapid supplemental newborn genetic screen: Full gene sequencing panel that also includes the following genes: BLM SLC22A5 SLC25A13 SLC5A5 SMPD1 BTD TAT TAZ TCN2 DUOX2
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CEN4GEN rapid pan-ethnic carrier screen: Full gene sequencing panel Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics CEN4GEN rapid pan-ethnic carrier screen: Full gene sequencing panel that also includes the following genes: BLM SLC22A5 SLC25A13 SLC5A5 SMPD1 BTD TAT TAZ TCN2 TG
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Alpha thalassemia: Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Alpha thalassemia: Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Hb H (3 gene deletion): Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Hb H (3 gene deletion): Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Hb Barts: Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Hb Barts: Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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Hb H/Constant Spring disease : Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Hb H/Constant Spring disease : Full gene panel sequencing (Rapid testing) that also includes the following genes: HBA1 HBA2
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