LAMB3 gene related symptoms and diseases
All the information presented here about the LAMB3 gene and its related diseases, symptoms, and test panels has been aggregated from the following public sources: ORPHANET,HGNC,NCBIGENE,OMIM, Mendelian Rare Disease Search Engine.
Top 5 symptoms and clinical features associated to LAMB3 gene
Symptoms // Phenotype | % Cases |
Hypoplasia of dental enamel | Common - Between 50% and 80% cases |
Nail dystrophy | Common - Between 50% and 80% cases |
Milia | Common - Between 50% and 80% cases |
Atrophic scars | Common - Between 50% and 80% cases |
Abnormal blistering of the skin | Common - Between 50% and 80% cases |
Other less frequent symptoms and clinical features
Patients with LAMB3 gene alterations may also develop some of the following symptoms and phenotypes:Not very common - Between 30% and 50% cases
- Alopecia
- Anemia
- Abnormality of the dentition
- Aplasia cutis congenita
- Carious teeth
- Nail dysplasia
- Oral mucosal blisters
Rarely - Less than 30% cases
- Anonychia
And 44 more phenotypes, you can get all of them using our tools for rare diseases.
Rare diseases associated to LAMB3 gene
Here you will find a list of rare diseases related to the LAMB3. You can also use our tool to get a more accurate diagnosis based on your current symptoms.
Alternate names
JUNCTIONAL EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA, GENERALIZED SEVERE Is also known as epidermolysis bullosa letalis, junctional epidermolysis bullosa, herlitz type, junctional epidermolysis bullosa, herlitz-pearson type, jeb-herlitz type, jeb-h, epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis, herlitz type, epidermolysis bullosa, junctional, herlitz-pearson
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa, Herlitz-type is a severe subtype of junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB, see this term) characterized by blisters and extensive erosions, localized to the skin and mucous membranes.
- Failure to thrive
- Anemia
- Feeding difficulties
- Respiratory insufficiency
- Syndactyly
Alternate names
JUNCTIONAL EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA, GENERALIZED INTERMEDIATE Is also known as junctional epidermolysis bullosa, disentis type, generalized junctional epidermolysis bullosa, non-herlitz type, gabeb, jeb-nh gen, jeb, generalized intermediate, generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa, junctional epidermolysis bullosa generalisata m
Generalized non-Herlitz-type junctional epidermolysis bullosa is a form of non-Herlitz-type junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB-nH, see this term) characterized by generalized skin blistering, atrophic scarring, nail dystrophy or nail absence, and enamel hypoplasia, with extracutaneous involvement.
- Growth delay
- Anemia
- Nail dystrophy
- Abnormality of skin pigmentation
- Palmoplantar keratoderma
Alternate names
AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IA; AI1A Is also known as amelogenesis imperfecta, hypoplastic type ia
Hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta IA is characterized by enamel that may not develop to normal thickness. The enamel may have pits on the labial or buccal surfaces that are often arranged in rows and columns (see Witkop, 1989).
- Pain
- Abnormality of the dentition
- Hypoplasia of dental enamel
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Taurodontia
Alternate names
EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA, JUNCTIONAL, NON-HERLITZ TYPE Is also known as epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis, progressive, epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis, non-herlitz type, epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis, disentis type, epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis, severe nonlethal, epidermolysis bullosa, generalized atrophic benign,
- Abnormality of the dentition
- Alopecia
- Scarring
- Camptodactyly of finger
- Nail dystrophy
Alternate names
HYPOPLASTIC AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA Is also known as amelogenesis imperfecta type 1
Search interest in LAMB3
Potential gene panels for LAMB3 gene
GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Female) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Female) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Male) Panel

By Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories GeneAware Complete Panel Version 2 (Male) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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EBSeq Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center EBSeq Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 CHST8 CD151 CDSN COL17A1 COL7A1 KLHL24 DSP
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LAMB3 Sequencing Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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LAMB3 Deletion/duplication analysis Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) Deletion/Duplication panel Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) Deletion/Duplication panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 CHST8 CD151 CDSN COL17A1 COL7A1 DSP EXPH5
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LAMB3 Panel

By Institute for Human Genetics University Clinic Freiburg
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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LAMA3, LAMB3, LAMC2. Detection of the mutations p.Arg42X (c.124C>T), p.Gln243X (c.727C>T), p.Arg635X (c.1903C>T) and p.Glu320X (c.957ins77) of the LAMB3; p.R95X (c.283C>T) of the LAMC2 and p.Arg650X (c.1948A>T) of the LAMA3 by sequencing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica LAMA3, LAMB3, LAMC2. Detection of the mutations p.Arg42X (c.124C>T), p.Gln243X (c.727C>T), p.Arg635X (c.1903C>T) and p.Glu320X (c.957ins77) of the LAMB3; p.R95X (c.283C>T) of the LAMC2 and p.Arg650X (c.1948A>T) of the LAMA3 by sequencing that also includes the following genes: LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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LAMB3. Complete sequencing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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LAMB3-Related Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel

By CGC Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Epidermolysis bullosa junctional (sequence analysis of LAMB3 gene) Panel

By CGC Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Epidermolysis bullosa (NGS panel for 18 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Epidermolysis bullosa (NGS panel for 18 genes) that also includes the following genes: DST FERMT1 COL17A1 COL7A1 DSP EXPH5 ITGA3 ITGA6 ITGB4 KRT1
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Epidermolysis bullosa junctional (NGS panel for 5 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Epidermolysis bullosa junctional (NGS panel for 5 genes) that also includes the following genes: COL17A1 ITGA6 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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Epidermolysis bullosa (deletion/duplication analysis of KRT14, LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Epidermolysis bullosa (deletion/duplication analysis of KRT14, LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2 genes) that also includes the following genes: KRT14 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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Epidermolysis bullosa (deletion/duplication analysis of KRT14, LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Epidermolysis bullosa (deletion/duplication analysis of KRT14, LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2 genes) that also includes the following genes: KRT14 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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Epidermolysis Bullosa and Related Disorders Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Epidermolysis Bullosa and Related Disorders Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 COL17A1 COL7A1 DSP ITGA3 ITGA6 ITGB4 JUP
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Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa via LAMB3 Gene Sequencing with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Amelogenesis Imperfecta Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Amelogenesis Imperfecta Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: CNNM4 SLC24A4 SMOC2 FAM20A FAM83H ODAPH WDR72 DLX3 ROGDI ENAM
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Amelogenesis imperfecta and related disorders Deletion/ Duplication panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Amelogenesis imperfecta and related disorders Deletion/ Duplication panel that also includes the following genes: SLC24A4 SMOC2 FAM20A FAM83H ODAPH WDR72 DLX3 DSPP ENAM GPR68
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Amelogenesis imperfecta and related disorders Comprehensive panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Amelogenesis imperfecta and related disorders Comprehensive panel that also includes the following genes: SLC24A4 SMOC2 FAM20A FAM83H ODAPH WDR72 DLX3 DSPP ENAM GPR68
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Amelogenesis imperfecta and related disorders NGS panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Amelogenesis imperfecta and related disorders NGS panel that also includes the following genes: SLC24A4 SMOC2 FAM20A FAM83H ODAPH WDR72 DLX3 DSPP ENAM GPR68
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Epidermolysis bullosa Comprehensive panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Epidermolysis bullosa Comprehensive panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 CHST8 CDSN COL17A1 COL7A1 CSTA KLHL24 DSP
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Epidermolysis bullosa NGS panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Epidermolysis bullosa NGS panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 CHST8 CDSN COL17A1 COL7A1 CSTA KLHL24 DSP
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Epidermolysis bullosa Deletion / Duplication panel Panel

By Connective Tissue Gene Tests Epidermolysis bullosa Deletion / Duplication panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 CHST8 CDSN COL17A1 COL7A1 CSTA KLHL24 DSP
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LAMB3-Related Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel

By Bioscientia GmbH Center for Human Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Epidermolysis bullosa, junctional Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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CentoICU platinum plus Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company CentoICU platinum plus that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L BDNF RPS19 RPS6KA3 SALL1 SCN1A SCN2A SFTPB SFTPC
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New Born testing (CentoICU) Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company New Born testing (CentoICU) that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L BDNF RPS19 RPS6KA3 SALL1 SCN1A SCN2A SFTPB SFTPC
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Epidermolysis bullosa panel Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company Epidermolysis bullosa panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 CHST8 COL17A1 COL7A1 CSTA DSG1 DSP EXPH5
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Genetic Epidermolyses and blistering disorders Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Genetic Epidermolyses and blistering disorders Panel that also includes the following genes: DST FERMT1 COL17A1 COL7A1 DSP EXPH5 ITGA3 ITGA6 ITGB4 KRT1
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Family Prep Screen Panel

By Counsyl Family Prep Screen that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L RS1 SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SLC12A6 SLC17A5 SLC22A5
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qCarrier Plus Panel

By Quantitative Genomic Medicine Laboratories, SL qCarrier Plus that also includes the following genes: RMRP RP2 RPE65 RPGR RPS6KA3 RS1 SACS SGCA SGCB SGSH
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By GENETAQ Molecular Genetics Centre and Diagnosis of Rare Diseases EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA that also includes the following genes: COL17A1 COL7A1 ITGA6 ITGB4 KRT14 KRT5 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2 PLEC
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Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Gene Sequencing Panel Panel

By EGL Genetic Diagnostics Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Gene Sequencing Panel that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L RS1 SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6
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Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa, LAMB3-Related (LAMB3) Panel

By Integrated Genetics Westborough Integrated Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Inheritest NGS, Comprehensive Panel

By Integrated Genetics Westborough Integrated Genetics Inheritest NGS, Comprehensive that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5 SLC22A5 SLC26A2 SLC35A3
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Epidermolysis Bullosa NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Epidermolysis Bullosa NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: CD151 COL17A1 COL7A1 DSP ITGA3 ITGB4 KRT14 KRT5 LAMA3 LAMB3
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LAMB3 Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 ATP2C1 FERMT1 CDSN GRIP1 DSG4 COL17A1 COL7A1 DSG1
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Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Panel that also includes the following genes: SLC24A4 FAM20A FAM83H ODAPH WDR72 DLX3 DSPP ENAM GPR68 AMELX
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Junctional epidermolysis bullosa, Herlitz type Panel

By Bioarray
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Generalized junctional epidermolysis bullosa, non-Herlitz type Panel

By Bioarray
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL JUNCTIONAL EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA that also includes the following genes: COL17A1 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL EPIDERMOLISIS BULLOSA: NGS PANEL that also includes the following genes: DST TGM5 FERMT1 COL17A1 COL7A1 KLHL24 DSP EXPH5 ITGA3 ITGA6
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Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Herlitz Type , Sequencing LAMB3 Gene Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Non Herlitz Type , Sequencing LAMB3 Gene Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics
This panel specifically test the LAMB3 gene.
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Epidermolysis Bullosa , Deletions-Duplications (MLPA) KRT14, LAMA3, LAMB3, LAMC2 Genes Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics Epidermolysis Bullosa , Deletions-Duplications (MLPA) KRT14, LAMA3, LAMB3, LAMC2 Genes that also includes the following genes: KRT14 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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Epidermolysis Bullosa , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 8 Genes Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics Epidermolysis Bullosa , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 8 Genes that also includes the following genes: COL17A1 COL7A1 KRT14 KRT5 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2 PLEC
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Amelogenesis Imperfecta , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 9 Genes Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics Amelogenesis Imperfecta , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 9 Genes that also includes the following genes: FAM20A FAM83H WDR72 DLX3 ENAM AMELX KLK4 LAMB3 MMP20
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Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa: gene sequencing panel Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa: gene sequencing panel that also includes the following genes: COL17A1 LAMA3 LAMB3 LAMC2
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Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Full Gene Sequencing and SMA Analysis Panel

By CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics Pan-Ethnic Carrier Screen: Full Gene Sequencing and SMA Analysis that also includes the following genes: RMRP BCS1L SACS BLM SGCA SGCB SGCG SGSH SLC12A6 SLC17A5
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