PRKRA gene related symptoms and diseases
All the information presented here about the PRKRA gene and its related diseases, symptoms, and test panels has been aggregated from the following public sources: OMIM,NCBIGENE,ORPHANET,HGNC, Mendelian Rare Disease Search Engine.
Top 5 symptoms and clinical features associated to PRKRA gene
Symptoms // Phenotype | % Cases |
Intellectual disability | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Limb dystonia | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Torticollis | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Ischemic stroke | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Dysphonia | Very Common - Between 80% and 100% cases |
Other less frequent symptoms and clinical features
Patients with PRKRA gene alterations may also develop some of the following symptoms and phenotypes:Commonly - More than 50% cases
- Language impairment
- Postural tremor
- Akinesia
- Generalized dystonia
- Bradykinesia
- Morphological abnormality of the pyramidal tract
- Orofacial dyskinesia
- Laryngeal dystonia
And 22 more phenotypes, you can get all of them using our tools for rare diseases.
Rare diseases associated to PRKRA gene
Here you will find a list of rare diseases related to the PRKRA. You can also use our tool to get a more accurate diagnosis based on your current symptoms.
Alternate names
DYSTONIA 16 Is also known as dyt16, early-onset dystonia parkinsonism
Dystonia 16 (DYT16) is a very rare and newly discovered movement disorder which is characterized by early-onset progressive limb dystonia, laryngeal and oromandibular dystonia, and parkinsonism.
Most common symptoms of DYSTONIA 16
- Intellectual disability
- Global developmental delay
- Pain
- Cognitive impairment
- Delayed speech and language development
More info about DYSTONIA 16
Search interest in PRKRA
Potential gene panels for PRKRA gene
PRKRA Sequencing Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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PRKRA Deletion/duplication analysis Panel

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Dystonia Exome Panel Panel

By Genetic Services Laboratory University of Chicago Dystonia Exome Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L SCN8A SCP2 SDHA SGCE SLC16A2 SLC20A2 SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SLC6A8
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PRKRA. Complete sequencing Panel

By Instituto de Medicina Genomica Instituto de Medicina Genomica
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Torsion dystonia 16 (DYT16, sequence analysis of PRKRA gene) Panel

By CGC Genetics
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Parkinson disease (NGS panel for 33 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Parkinson disease (NGS panel for 33 genes) that also includes the following genes: SLC6A3 SNCA SNCAIP SNCB SYNJ1 TAF1 TH GIGYF2 UCHL1 VPS35
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Dystonia (NGS panel for 43 genes) Panel

By CGC Genetics Dystonia (NGS panel for 43 genes) that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SMPD1 SPR TAF1 TH TIMM8A ACTB CACNA1B
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Dystonia Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Dystonia Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SPR TAF1 TH ANO3 TUBB4A THAP1 PRRT2 TOR1A
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Parkinson Disease and Parkinsonism Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel

By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Parkinson Disease and Parkinsonism Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: SLC20A2 SLC6A3 SNCA SNCB SPG11 SPR SYNJ1 TAF1 TARDBP TWNK
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Mental retardation - different panels Panel

By Institute of Human Genetics Uniklinik RWTH Aachen Mental retardation - different panels that also includes the following genes: RGS7 RIT1 RMRP BCS1L RPL10 RPS6KA3 RRAS SALL1 SC5D ATXN10
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Neurogenetic Disorders - panels Panel

By MGZ Medical Genetics Center Neurogenetic Disorders - panels that also includes the following genes: BCS1L RTN2 RYR1 SACS SCN1A SCN1B SCN2A SCN8A SCO1 SCO2
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DYT16 - dystonia 16 Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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AllNeuro panel Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company AllNeuro panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L ROR2 RPL10 BDNF RPS6KA3 RTN2 RYR1 SACS BIN1 SBF1
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Parkinsons disease panel Panel

By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company Parkinsons disease panel that also includes the following genes: SLC6A3 SNCA SNCB SPR SYNJ1 TAF1 TH GIGYF2 UCHL1 VPS35
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Parkinson all Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Parkinson all Panel that also includes the following genes: ATXN2 SLC6A3 SNCA SPG11 SPR SYNJ1 TAF1 TH VPS35 FBXO7
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Parkinson Dystonia Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Parkinson Dystonia Panel that also includes the following genes: SLC6A3 SPR TAF1 TH SLC30A10 GCH1 ATP1A3 PLA2G6 PRKRA
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Dystonia Plus Syndrome Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Dystonia Plus Syndrome Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SPR TAF1 TH BCAP31 TUBB4A SLC30A10 COX20 FTL GCH1
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Dystonia All Panel Panel

By CeGaT GmbH Dystonia All Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC25A15 SLC2A1 SPR TAF1 TH TIMM8A CACNA1B ANO3 NPC2
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Single gene testing PRKRA Panel

By CeGaT GmbH
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Dystonia Panel

By Asper Biogene Asper Biogene LLC Dystonia that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC25A1 SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SPR TAF1 TBCE TH TIMM8A ACTB
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Parkinson Disease Panel

By Asper Biogene Asper Biogene LLC Parkinson Disease that also includes the following genes: SLC6A3 SNCA SPR SYNJ1 TAF1 TH GIGYF2 UCHL1 VPS35 FBXO7
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Invitae Dystonia Comprehensive Panel Panel

By Invitae Invitae Dystonia Comprehensive Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SPR TH ANO3 TUBB4A THAP1 PRRT2 TOR1A
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Invitae Hereditary Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism Panel Panel

By Invitae Invitae Hereditary Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism Panel that also includes the following genes: SLC6A3 SNCA SPR TH VPS35 FBXO7 PINK1 DNAJC6 PARK7 LRRK2
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By GENETAQ Molecular Genetics Centre and Diagnosis of Rare Diseases DYSTONIA that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SPR TAF1 TH PANK2 THAP1 TOR1A GCH1 ATP1A3
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NGS panel - Parkinson Panel

By Genome Diagnostics VU University Medical Center NGS panel - Parkinson that also includes the following genes: ATXN2 SLC18A2 SLC6A3 SNCA SPR SYNJ1 TAF1 TH GIGYF2 UCHL1
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Dystonia Dyskinesia NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Dystonia Dyskinesia NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: SCP2 SGCE SLC6A3 SPR TAF1 THAP1 DRD2 DRD5 PRRT2 TOR1A
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Parkinson-Alzheimer-Dementia NGS Panel Panel

By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics Parkinson-Alzheimer-Dementia NGS Panel that also includes the following genes: SLC6A3 SNCA SNCB TAF1 TH TYROBP UCHL1 VPS35 FBXO7 AAAS
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By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Parkinson Disease Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Parkinson Disease Panel that also includes the following genes: SLC20A2 SLC6A3 SNCA SPR SYNJ1 TH VPS35 FBXO7 PINK1 DNAJC6
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Dystonia Panel Panel

By Blueprint Genetics Dystonia Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SPR TH ANO3 KMT2B BCAP31 THAP1 FA2H ADCY5
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Dystonia 16 Panel

By Bioarray
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL DYSTONIAS (DYT) NGS PANEL that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SPR TH ACTB ANO3 PANK2 CIZ1 TUBB4A
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By Laboratorio de Genetica Clinica SL
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Dystonia Type16, Sequencing PRKRA Gene Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics
This panel specifically test the PRKRA gene.
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Dystonia and Related Disorders , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 13 Genes Panel

By Reference Laboratory Genetics Dystonia and Related Disorders , Panel Massive Sequencing (NGS) 13 Genes that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SPR TAF1 TH PANK2 THAP1 TOR1A GCH1 ATP1A3
More info about this panel
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