BCAP31 gene related symptoms and diseases
All the information presented here about the BCAP31 gene and its related diseases, symptoms, and test panels has been aggregated from the following public sources: OMIM,HGNC,ORPHANET,NCBIGENE, Mendelian Rare Disease Search Engine.
Top 5 symptoms and clinical features associated to BCAP31 gene
Symptoms // Phenotype | % Cases |
Intellectual disability | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Hyperactivity | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Cerebral hypomyelination | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Corpus callosum atrophy | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Episodic fever | Uncommon - Between 30% and 50% cases |
Other less frequent symptoms and clinical features
Patients with BCAP31 gene alterations may also develop some of the following symptoms and phenotypes:Not very common - Between 30% and 50% cases
- CNS hypomyelination
- Brain atrophy
- Tetraplegia
- Abnormality of eye movement
- Abnormal pyramidal sign
- Aggressive behavior
- Elevated hepatic transaminase
- Cerebral cortical atrophy
And 15 more phenotypes, you can get all of them using our tools for rare diseases.
Rare diseases associated to BCAP31 gene
Here you will find a list of rare diseases related to the BCAP31. You can also use our tool to get a more accurate diagnosis based on your current symptoms.
Alternate names
CADDS Is also known as contiguous abcd1 dxs1357e deletion syndrome, zellweger-like contiguous gene deletion syndrome
CADDS is a rare, genetic, neurometabolic disease characterized by severe intrauterine growth retardation, failure to thrive, profound neonatal hypotonia, severe global development delay, elevated very long chain fatty acids in plasma, and neonatal cholestasis leading to hepatic failure and death. Other features include ocular abnormalities (e.g. blindness and cataracts), sensorineural deafness, seizures, and abnormal brain morphology (notably delayed CNS myelination and ventriculomegaly).
More info about CADDS
Severe motor and intellectual disabilities-sensorineural deafness-dystonia syndrome is a rare genetic neurological disorder characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, failure to thrive, infantile onset of sensorineural deafness, severe global developmental delay or absent psychomotor development, paraplegia or quadriplegia with dystonia and pyramidal signs, microcephaly, ocular abnormalities (strabismus, optic atrophy), mildly dysmorphic features (deep-set eyes, prominent nasal bridge, micrognathia), seizures and abnormalities of brain morphology (hypomyelinating white matter changes, cerebral atrophy).
- Intellectual disability
- Seizures
- Global developmental delay
- Hearing impairment
- Microcephaly
Search interest in BCAP31
Potential gene panels for BCAP31 gene
Dystonia Exome Panel Panel
By Genetic Services Laboratory University of Chicago Dystonia Exome Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L SCN8A SCP2 SDHA SGCE SLC16A2 SLC20A2 SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SLC6A8
More info about this panelDystonia (NGS panel for 43 genes) Panel
By CGC Genetics Dystonia (NGS panel for 43 genes) that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SLC6A3 SMPD1 SPR TAF1 TH TIMM8A ACTB CACNA1B
More info about this panelX-Linked Intellectual Disability Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel
By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics X-Linked Intellectual Disability Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: RPL10 RPS6KA3 SLC16A2 SLC35A2 SLC6A8 SLC7A3 SLC9A6 SMC1A KDM5C SMS
More info about this panelLeukodystrophy and Leukoencephalopathy Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection Panel
By PreventionGenetics PreventionGenetics Leukodystrophy and Leukoencephalopathy Sequencing Panel with CNV Detection that also includes the following genes: SCP2 AIMP1 SDHB SLC16A2 SLC17A5 SLC25A1 SLC25A12 SLC25A4 SOX10 SPG11
More info about this panelMental retardation - different panels Panel
By Institute of Human Genetics Uniklinik RWTH Aachen Mental retardation - different panels that also includes the following genes: RGS7 RIT1 RMRP BCS1L RPL10 RPS6KA3 RRAS SALL1 SC5D ATXN10
More info about this panelB-Cell Receptor Associated Protein 31 deficiency (BCAP31) Panel
By VU University Medical Center Metabolic Unit, PX 1X 009
This panel specifically test the BCAP31 gene.
More info about this panelDeafness, dystonia, and cerebral hypomyelination, X-linked Panel
By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company
This panel specifically test the BCAP31 gene.
More info about this panelAllNeuro panel Panel
By Centogene AG - the Rare Disease Company AllNeuro panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L ROR2 RPL10 BDNF RPS6KA3 RTN2 RYR1 SACS BIN1 SBF1
More info about this panelLeukodystrophy / Leukencephalopathy and differential diagnoses Panel Panel
By CeGaT GmbH Leukodystrophy / Leukencephalopathy and differential diagnoses Panel that also includes the following genes: BCS1L SCO2 SCP2 AIMP1 SDHA SLC16A2 SLC17A5 SLC25A1 SLC25A12 SOX10
More info about this panelDystonia Plus Syndrome Panel Panel
By CeGaT GmbH Dystonia Plus Syndrome Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SPR TAF1 TH BCAP31 TUBB4A SLC30A10 COX20 FTL GCH1
More info about this panelDystonia All Panel Panel
By CeGaT GmbH Dystonia All Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC25A15 SLC2A1 SPR TAF1 TH TIMM8A CACNA1B ANO3 NPC2
More info about this panelLeukodystrophy / Leukoencephalopathy Panel Panel
By CeGaT GmbH Leukodystrophy / Leukoencephalopathy Panel that also includes the following genes: SCP2 AIMP1 SLC16A2 SLC17A5 SOX10 ACOX1 TREX1 TYROBP VPS11 SAMHD1
More info about this panelBCAP31 Panel
By Fulgent Genetics Fulgent Genetics
This panel specifically test the BCAP31 gene.
More info about this panelDystonia Panel Panel
By Blueprint Genetics Dystonia Panel that also includes the following genes: SGCE SLC2A1 SPR TH ANO3 KMT2B BCAP31 THAP1 FA2H ADCY5
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